Did you know that even small eCommerce businesses like you can outsource their customer service at a reasonable price? You can! But, should you?
For many small businesses, it can be scary to leave their customer service in someone else’s hands, and at the same time, there are many benefits such as freeing up time to work on other things, accessing customer service talent, and easily adjusting to fluctuations in your business.
However, outsourcing customer service doesn’t make sense for some businesses. Here are 4 great reasons why it may not make sense for your business:
You love talking to customers! As someone who loves helping customers and making their day better, I get it! If you also love talking to your customers, by all enjoy!
On average, you spend less than 20 minutes per day on customer service. It may not be worth the time to hire and communicate with someone else about your customer service if the time commitment is small.
You have someone on staff with some free time who could take on the task. Why outsource your customer service if you already have someone on staff who has the time and skills?
The product you sell requires a high level of technical expertise, which would require a customer service representative with a great deal of training or education.
At Key Fulfillment Solutions we are here to help with the parts of your Shopify business that you are ready to outsource whether that is customer service, shipping, kitting, or other logistics! Oh and if you are wondering about the reasons why you should outsource customer service, we have a recent blog on that too!
We can’t wait to find out how we can best help you! Give us a call today at 720-486-2101 or contact us here by scrolling down just a little bit!